Battle of the Heavyweights: Which Country Reigns Supreme in Active Heavy Fighters – China, US, or Russia?.

Battle of the Heavyweights

As world leaders, China, the United States, and Russia can draw attention to every move they make. Since they are the three major military powers, they are also extremely concerned about their military strength. Once a war breaks out, they can also be analyzed based on their military strength.

In modern information warfare, air combat is an area of ​​great concern. We compared aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, tanks, etc. Today, we will compare the level of conventional heavy warfare in China, the United States, and Russia.

1. American F-15

Battle of the Heavyweights: Which Country Reigns Supreme in Active Heavy Fighters - China, US, or Russia?.

At present, the heavy fighters F-15 and F-15E in service in the United States are still attracting more attention. The United States has not had many new models of conventional heavy fighters in recent years, so these two fighters have been in service for a certain period.

The F-15 may not be as flashy as some of the newest fighters in service, but it doesn’t make it any less of a great aircraft. After all, American aerospace technology is top-notch, and the F-15 is undergoing similar improvements.

The F-15 uses an advanced swept-wing aerodynamic layout and is powered by two turbofan engines, giving it superior maneuverability and combat capability. It can use advanced Medium-range air-to-air missiles to destroy fighters, achieve air superiority combat tasks, and develop air-to-ground combat variants.

The F-15 entered service in 1976. It has been in service for more than 40 years, and improvements have been made later, and the F-15E is also very good.

Along with numerous upgrades, including the engine compartment and various structures, better space-to-ground attack and air superiority capabilities, increased range, and even upgraded weapon pylons. It has been beefed up so that more weaponry can be mounted, and a cutting-edge electronic display system has been installed in the cockpit.

The F-15E is supposed to be able to deploy its satellite-launching missiles at an altitude of 12,191 meters. This tidal wave of activity is, without a doubt, quite potent. When compared to other American heavy fighters, the F-15E still holds its own. The only problem is that it is a much older model of a military plane. Perhaps it shouldn’t be as high on the list as it is if compared to China.

2. Russia’s Su-35

Battle of the Heavyweights: Which Country Reigns Supreme in Active Heavy Fighters - China, US, or Russia?.

Russia’s Su-35 heavy fighter jet is one of the most modern of its kind. Based on the Su-27, it represents a significant advancement. It’s a twin-engined, single-seater fighter that may be used for a variety of missions. Compared to other fighters throughout the world, it is an upgrade to the fourth generation. The type, which spans 4.5 generations and is known by its name, appears to have more benefits than the American F-15.

After entering service in 2014, the Su-35 was used in Russia’s special operations against Ukraine during that country’s conflict with Ukraine. That is to say. This is a warrior who has been tested by fire.

It’s a versatile fighter that can control the skies and launch attacks from the ground. Multirole combat aircraft is an example of a country’s mainstream development.

Battle of the Heavyweights: Which Country Reigns Supreme in Active Heavy Fighters - China, US, or Russia?.

At that time, China also purchased 24 Su-35s from Russia. This was the first time that China purchased a large amount of military equipment from Russia in the 21st century.

China directly bought the Russian Su-35 to fill its emptiness and urged Russia to enhance and customize it for the Chinese Air Force. Thus, when the Su-35 arrives in China, it may be linked to the Chinese Air Force system and used for battle. 

3. China’s J-16

The J-16 is a Chinese multirole fighter aircraft with a semi-two-seater design and two engines. This plane started flying for real in 2016. Many people were saying at the time that China already had its own J-20. Not the J-16 of the fifth generation either, but also not the J-20.

In reality, the J-20 and J-16 have different responsibilities. Although the J-16 lacks stealth performance as a heavy fighter, its overall combat capabilities are only second to the J-20. Furthermore, the J-16 is unnecessary for many jobs, such as the beginning of the air conflict, because all the J-20 has to do is kick the door in, and the J-16 is just a “floor scrubber.” The J-20 is often unnecessary for entry.

Speaking of the Russo-Ukrainian War, the number of appearances of the Su-57 is also very few. And although the number of Chinese fighters has increased, many old-fashioned fighters, such as J-7 and J-8, occupy a large proportion. It can better enhance the combat power of the Chinese Air Force.

The J-16 has long been a favorite among Chinese military forces. As a result of its formidable air-to-air and ground-to-ground attack capabilities and its ability to simultaneously carry out air-to-air and ground-to-ground operations, it has quickly risen to prominence within the Chinese Air Force.

And whether it is in radar or avionics equipment, it is more advanced than Su-35 and F-15. After 30 years of hard work, it has become one of the best fighter jets in the world. Now the electronic fighter J-16D of J-16 has also been in service.