The Dragon’s Rise: How powerful is the China’s Aircraft Carrier Fleet?

The aircraft carrier's speed is 30 knots. What's the land speed of 30 knots?

The Sino-Russian alliance has radically changed the global landscape, and in particular, China’s military performance has been a key factor.

With the Chinese carrier fleet proving much more reliable than the Russian one, it’s time to take a look at the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy’s (PLAN) domestically-made aircraft carriers.

Shandong: the first domestically produced aircraft carrier

The Shandong, also known as the Type 002 aircraft carrier, is China’s first domestically produced aircraft carrier. With a displacement of 70,000 tons and a top speed of 31 knots, it can accommodate up to 36 fighter jets, such as the Shenyang J-15.

Shandong has engaged in exercises of intimidation and show of force, such as the recent simulated aircraft carrier attack on Taiwan.

The ship’s self-defense includes three Type 1130 melee weapon systems (CIWS) and three HQ-10 18-cell surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems.

The Dragon's Rise: How powerful is the China's Aircraft Carrier Fleet?
Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong.

Liaoning: the first aircraft carrier in service

The Liaoning, a Type 001 aircraft carrier, was the first to enter the PLAN service. Originally built for the Soviet Union, it was modernized by the Chinese Navy and is considered a training aircraft carrier.

With a displacement of 60,900 tons and a top speed of 32 knots, the Liaoning can accommodate 24 J-15 fighters and has the same defensive armament as the Shandong.

The Dragon's Rise: How powerful is the China's Aircraft Carrier Fleet?

Fujian: the future of the Chinese Fleet

Fujian, a Type 003 aircraft carrier, is the largest, most modern, and most powerful in the Chinese fleet to date. Although not yet in service, it is expected to hold around 60 aircraft and be equipped with an electromagnetic catapult-assisted launch system.

Fujian is 984 feet 3 inches long and 249 feet 4 inches wide. Information about speed and self-defensive weaponry is still unknown at the moment.

The rapid expansion of the Chinese Navy

The Chinese Navy has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with accelerated expansion playing a central role in its evolution. This expansion is a part of China’s efforts to become a global superpower and assert its influence on the international stage.

China’s growing economic and geopolitical interests are a significant influence in the expansion of the Chinese Navy. China, as the second-largest economy in the world, has a significant stake in the global economy and is attempting to safeguard its economic interests in the face of rising international competition. This includes protecting its communication sea lanes and expanding its maritime presence in the Indo-Pacific region.

The country’s aspiration to become a regional hegemon is an additional factor in the expansion of the Chinese Navy. China’s territorial disputes with neighboring nations, such as Japan and the Philippines, have increased tensions in the region, and the expansion of its Navy is seen as a means to exert greater control over the disputed territories.

China now has the largest Navy in the world in terms of a pure number of vessels as a result of its rapid and impressive naval expansion. In addition, China has made substantial investments in cutting-edge naval technologies such as aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, and anti-ship missiles, thereby bolstering its naval capabilities.

China has expanded its naval presence in the Indian Ocean by establishing a naval base in Djibouti and conducting naval exercises with other regional nations. This has caused concern among neighboring nations and the United States, which views China’s expanding military presence as a threat to its regional strategic interests.

The expansion of China’s Navy has also raised concerns regarding the nation’s long-term strategic objectives. Some analysts believe China is attempting to establish itself as a global superpower with a navy capable of competing with the United States. Others contend that China’s naval expansion primarily safeguards its economic interests and territorial claims in the region.

Conclusion: the rapid expansion of the Chinese Navy is a significant development in the Indo-Pacific’s altering balance of power. Although China’s naval expansion is motivated by various economic, geopolitical, and strategic considerations, it has raised concerns regarding its long-term intentions and impact on regional stability. 

As China continues to invest in its Navy and expand its presence in the region, it will be crucial for other nations to closely monitor these developments and maintain a balance of power in the region.

China is building it’s Navy faster than the United States and its allies, which means the country’s aircraft carrier fleet will continue to grow and improve for years to come.

This expansion and growth of Chinese naval capability has important implications for global security and reinforces the Chinese saying: “May you live in interesting times.”