Chinese Clone of 9 world famous guns.


This article explores a series of nine firearms that are innovative adaptations of existing gun models. Each of these firearms has been carefully developed to emulate well-known counterparts while incorporating significant improvements in various aspects such as performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness.

First, the CQ rifle, which is a copy of the M16. It was so cost-effective that the Colt company of M16 sued for infringement, even though its copyright had expired, in order to protect its own interests.

Second, the CS/LS3 9mm submachine gun and the NR08 submachine gun are imitated from MP5A3 and MP5A5. Although imitated, there are many innovations, many improvements in function, and a lot of portability. Of course, the durability is also much higher, the material is improved, and the performance improvement will naturally not be bad.

Third, the NP22 pistol is imitated from the SIGP22 pistol. The original pistol is not as good as other pistols due to its high price. Although the performance is very good, it cannot make up for the disadvantage of the price. , but outperforms it.

The fourth CS/LM6 heavy machine gun is imitated from the M2HB. If you can’t get someone else’s, you make it yourself. Obviously, the one you make has its other advantages and even surpasses them. It has been greatly improved in production and greatly reduced costs.

Fifth, the CQ7.62mm general machine gun is imitated from FNMAG. It is natural to learn from the excellent ones, so the CQ7.62mm was born.

Sixth, NP29, imitated from M1911, for the suppression of CQ rifles by Cottle Company, North Group Company focuses on NP29, its high-cost performance is naturally very popular, and it is very popular.


Seventh, NZ75 is imitated from CZ75. Price and performance are its major advantages. Compared with it, the performance is almost the same, but the price is very cheap, which naturally has many advantages.

Type 80, CS/LM4

Eighth, Type 80, CS/LM4, imitated from the PKM machine gun. Although the original one has not been fully installed, its advantages naturally need to be inherited and continued.

Ninth, M305A, imitated from M14. Compared with the original version, it is lighter, has excellent performance, and is of high quality and low price, so it is deservedly popular.