BRDM-2 is Soviet armor with a German heart

At all times, the war gave an impetus to intensify the work of scientists and amateurs to improve existing or create new weapons and military equipment. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2014 was also no exception in this sense. For more than 9 years, Ukrainian inventors have developed many interesting technical solutions that help destroy the enemy more effectively. 

Today we will talk about a very successful, in our opinion, modernization of the Soviet combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicle BRDM-2, which volunteers and soldiers of a separate Volyn Brigade of the Military Intelligence Service implemented.

This car, which was produced in the 60s of the last century, was handed over to the military by Volyn rescuers. It stood on the site for a long time and was not used, so there is no need to talk about the technical condition; there was a lot of work.

First of all, they removed the old Soviet gasoline engine from the car and replaced it with a German diesel engine from a Mercedes truck, capable of transporting up to seven tons. Then the water jet engine and additional wheels were removed from the car. All this together made it possible to significantly increase armor protection and improve the car’s dynamic characteristics.

The next step was side doors for quick and convenient landing and disembarking. The floor in the cabin was made flat, making it possible to use the car to evacuate the wounded or transport bulky goods to the front line. 

The fire capabilities of the BRDM have also changed. Instead of the old Soviet tower, a similar one from a destroyed Russian armored personnel carrier was installed. Now the machine can fire day and night at both ground and low-flying targets. 

— Only the gearbox and bridges remain from the old Soviet BRDM-2. This modernization was since the old Soviet gasoline engine, the car’s armor protection and fire capabilities absolutely did not meet the challenges of today, says the mechanic-driver Vasyl about his car. — During an operation on sandy soils, we discovered some more problems, so, for our part, we also made certain improvements. They replaced the hydraulic power steering (the steering itself is now from a Ford Transit minibus. — Auto .) and improved the engine cooling system.

 The car became a third heavier but softer during movement thanks to reinforced armor. The powerful engine rapidly lifts it up the sandy hills almost without tension. Dynamic characteristics also turned out to be very good. The only drawback is the low speed on the highway (about 60 km/h), but it is due to the capabilities of the old Soviet gearbox, which the guys plan to later change to a more modern one.